Algy Moncrieff

Holding little Irene

"I don't wanna grow up coz daddy says all women are a bunch of sluts". The little girl glared at me and I saw that familiar frenzied feeling boiling in her sapphire eyes. Experience made me chuckle with the idea of seeing her grow up and realize the emotive palette live becomes. Like good old Truman Capote said, there always comes a time in which you gaze impudently at someone as a chance to "draw those first pure strokes that are free."

What would it be to stand in front of her throbbing flush! That one that hurls upon you unexpectedly. I've been protagonist of it in such occasions! My pure innocent little girl, how can a disgraceful hood like I be so attached to you. I've grown so accustomed to your neighbour hug. I guess you are at the best age for a man to be considered by you. One day you'll grow up and scream out loud that we the boys are all bullshit. And yes, swollen throated guys will shout that you are a fucking bitch every time they swallow a pair of glasses of whisky.

Sad as it is, we climb from those old days in which they talked about weary young girls, and just a little tenderness was a pill to be taken as infallible. If you wanna learn something from this tramp, come here and keep on asking me about those fairy tales that still can make you smile while you are a girl. You'll have time to loose yourself drifted to those shores of infatuation your age is going to throw you to. And don't pay attention to those bitter arguments. ‘Cause I'll tell you what! The most beautiful thing that ever vanished from the hold of my arms was a woman. And those flashing events are worth a tear or two. For my darling, like this smooth Amos Lee song is playing right now, "nothing is more powerful than beauty in a wicked world".

1 comentario

Jorj -

Que la literatura no debe ser una vía de escape ¿no? vaya, predicando con el ejemplo. jajaja