Der Prìmer Impèrial Jirou
Bitwin de taim in wich de fuèrz of de infiern inùndez de yùnivers and de augg of the hijs of Marxs & Espenzer dere was an époc of òscurez ansòñez of. Intu dis caim Jorj, destinez tu bicàm kingg of der Little Quicius apon a conflìctif rag. It is My Ass, his croniquer, ju can nau long tel yu of his saga. Let me tel yu of dous deis of Haig Advèntur.
Der jonor demàndez de mèjor aut of Jorj and ji obèdeceiz
Der dèber reqèreiz it and ji acàtez it
Wiz his sànger de glory alcàncez
Wiz his scuerely braz jis nàcion redìmez
Ji was granz bicós ji wos mor ènferm in de ass
And jis jed wos larger and his fury mor tèrribol
Jis ènemigs caguez and deir òjals wer
Ensànchez wiz jis bácul of Mórgul
Der Pawer of de Tuailait descèndez tu jim
To anìqileit de ords from de Òrtic lands
And to fornicait wiz de vìrginal princéseses
Ji dident wont tu surrender in de nait
Ji dident penetreit oder ideology
Ji dident wont to lif laik an inférior
Ìven tuday it is remèmbreiz jis místical Tènsion in de taims of de prìncipeiz. A lot of jirous daiz in an ìntent tu emuleit jis "watan asc I fil in the cìmbrel" pawer, and oders alcàncez glory. Bat iven dou wi jaf der Soul River Falo Star and der Diegg of de Burgs and der Mìnister of Vèrdur, wi still recònoceiz Gorgeus Jorj as the prìmer jirou of der Gallach.
3 comentarios
Félix -
Long laif to der Impèrial Gallach
Jorj -
Yo tb te quiero: ¡ Deja a la novia y vente conmigo !
Diego -